9th – 16th July

A long imagined “circuit of Ireland” motorcycle tour, starting and finishing in Rosslare.

Prior to catching the ferry across from Fishguard in West Wales, I “completed” what I called the “Bristol Channel Coast” – the remaining section I hadn’t had time to do back in June – from The Mumbles to Fishguard.

The circuit of Ireland was a long ride in “not many days” – Day 1; Rosslare to Kenmare, Day 2; Kenmare to Galway, Day 3; Galway to Rossnowlagh, Day 4; Rossnowlagh to Belfast, Day 5; Day off – Amanda and Zac had flown to Belfast and we visited the Giant’s Causeway; Day 6 Belfast to Carlingford, Day 7; Carlingford to Rosslare, then Fishguard to home.

Took in many great vistas and places, too numerous to mention, but especially memorable was the Healy Pass and the Burren.

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