December 2016

A Blue Shark in the offshore waters of Cornwall. Image taken on the 10th September 2016. Settings ISO 500, f6.3, 1/160th second.

November 2016

Walking ashore at Alva Beach in Eastern Australia, after a day of diving the Wreck of the SS Yongala. Image taken on the 28th March 2007. Settings ISO 200, f16, 1/125th second.

October 2016

A creative take on schooling fish, taken at Cape (Cabo) Marshall in the Galapagos. Image taken on the 14th June 2013. Settings ISO 100, f8, 1/15th second.

September 2016

A Great White Shark approaches the bait at Guadalupe off Mexico. Image taken in the summer of 2016. Settings ISO 400, f8, 1/160th second.

August 2016

Preparing bait for Great White Sharks at Guadalupe off Mexico. Image taken in the summer of 2016. Settings ISO 400, f11, 1/640th second.

July 2016

Face to face with a crab on a night dive off Malapascua in the Phillippines. Image taken on the 17th September 2010. Settings ISO 100, f22, 1/60th second.

June 2016

A portrait of a Pipefish at Malapascua in the Philippines, taken on a night dive. One of the tiny shrimps that dart around in the lamp light is also in focus, something you can’t plan. Image taken on the 17th September 2010. Settings ISO 100, f22, 1/60th second.

May 2016

An image of my Malapascua dive guide “JN” taken after a dive at Gato Island in the Philippines. Image taken on the 19th September 2010. Settings ISO 100, f8, 1/350th second.

April 2016

An “offset” image of the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy. Image taken during Easter 2016. Settings ISO 200, f16, 1/100th second.

March 2016

Our son Zac peering into the small wreck on the Bandos House Reef on the North Male Atoll in the Maldives. Image taken on the 21st December 2015. Settings ISO 200, f8, 1/100th second.

February 2016

Stingrays and schooling fish at the Stingray City dive site on the North Male Atoll in the Maldives. Image taken on the 29th December 2015. Settings ISO 200, f8, 1/125th second.

January 2016

Our son Zac doing his PADI Diving Course at Vobster Quay in the Mendips. Image taken on 18th August 2013. Settings were ISO 400, f8, 1/250th second.