Image of the Month 2023
December 2023
Diving the Victory Wreck in the channel between Male and Hulehule International Airport in the Maldives. Image taken on the 2nd January 2020. Settings ISO 250, f8, 1/60th second.
November 2023
A Red Admiral photographed at the Whixall Moss National Nature Reserve in Shropshire. Image taken on the 22nd June 2022. Settings ISO 1000, f22, 1/250th second.
October 2023
A pristine Marsh Fritillary photographed at Battlesbury Hill, near Warminster in Wiltshire. Image taken on the 8th May 2022. Settings ISO 720, f22, 1/320th second.
September 2023
A Silver Spotted Skipper, freshly emerged, photographed at Fontmell Down near Shaftesbury in Dorset. Image taken on the 3rd August 2020. Settings ISO 1000, f22, 1/320th second.
August 2023
A Seahorse photographed on the volcanic sands of Buton Island, Indonesia. Image taken on the 29th December 2015. Settings ISO 800, f22, 1/60th second.
July 2023
A pair of Cryptic Wood Whites on the same flower at Craigavon Lakes in Northern Ireland. Image taken on the 13th May 2022. Settings ISO 1000, f22 1/125th second.
June 2023
A pristine turtle on the reefs of Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia. Image taken in Autumn 2022. Settings ISO 250, f8, 1/250th second.
May 2023
A Snake Eel photographed on the volcanic sands of the Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Image taken on the 24th December 2018. Settings ISO 250, f22, 1/60th second.
April 2023
A huge Tiger Shark passes close at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas. Image taken in February 2023. Settings ISO 250, f8, 1/250th second.
March 2023
Shark action at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas including Tiger, Lemon, Caribbean Reef and Bull Shark. Image taken in February 2023. Settings ISO160, f8, 1/200th second.
February 2023
A Tiger Shark at the Tiger Beach site off Grand Bahama. Image taken in February 2023. Settings ISO 1600, f8, 1/200th second.