December 2017

Parked up at Hadrian’s Wall in the England/Scotland borderlands. Image taken on the 9th September 2017. Settings ISO 640, f18, 1/250th second.

November 2017

Snorkelling with Blue Sharks in the offshore waters of Cornwall. Image taken on the 2nd September 2017. Settings ISO 400, f4.5, 1/160th second.

October 2017

Time to get off the causeway at Lindisfarne on the North East coast. Image taken on the 8th September 2017. Settings ISO 1000, f16, 1/500th second.

September 2017

Beach huts on the coast North Kent, taken whilst parked on my motorcycle. Image taken in June 2017. Settings ISO 400, f16, 1/250th second.

August 2017

A view from above of the runway and approach road at Gibraltar. Image taken in May 2017. Settings ISO 400, f16, 1/250th second.

July 2017

A rare Heath Fritillary at Blean Woods in Kent, near Canterbury. Image taken in June 2017. Settings ISO 400, f8, 1/60th second.

June 2017

The famous European Monkeys on the Rock of Gibraltar. Image taken in May 2017. Settings ISO 400, f18, 1/200th second.

May 2017

A view from the Rock of Gibraltar, with North Africa visible in the background. Image taken in May 2017. Settings ISO 400, f18, 1/200th second.

April 2017

A view of the ruined city of Plymouth on Montserrat in the Caribbean. Image taken in April 2017. Settings ISO 400, f16, 1/320th second.

March 2017

A view of the Grenada’s underwater sculpture garden in the Caribbean. Image taken on the 29th December 2016. Settings ISO 125, f8, 1/160th second.

February 2017

Our son Zac modelling for me in the underwater sculpture garden in Grenada. Image taken on the 28th December 2016. Settings ISO 160, f8, 1/60th second.

January 2017

A creative view of the reefs of Grenada. Note the shrimp inside the sponge. Image taken on the 24th December 2016. Settings ISO 100, f8, 1/20th second.